Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Flush mount albums are the coolest way to display your wedding pictures!!!! I wish I had one of my wedding. When I pull out my personal wedding pictures to look at them, first I have to get over the fact that I just don't have very many. We got married 19 years ago, we were young, couldn't afford much, and then I didn't take care of the negatives!!! Poor planning on my part, so now I have poor quality pictures. I tease Steve all the time that we should get "remarried" so I can have great pictures! LOL!!!! What I wouldn't give to have digital pictures of my wedding (yes, I know I could scan them, but the quality is poor to start with, so it would take a lot of time and effort which I would rather give to my family and our customers). Anyway, after I get over the fact that the pictures aren't so great, I have to peal them out of the "magnetic" album being ever so careful as to not tear them. My album is just an album. The pictures are there, but it is definitely not something I want to leave on my coffee table to show friends.

The albums that we design now are wonderful. They are a piece of art work, and the best part is that you are the star of the show. It shows off your wedding and all the details that went into it. It's not a picture, or even an album, it's a storybook!

Every album I design is different. I don't use templates because every wedding is different. There is no mass production of a storybook album. Every detail must be done individually with care taken to the details. You have to know the wedding couple and what is important to them, designing the album to showcase those most important moments, and then finally getting it printed and bound by the right company who will take as much care as we do.

Take a look at our albums. Let us know what you think. I have a lot of fun designing them. We have several posted to the wedding albums page, and several posted on the couples' link to their wedding gallery.

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